Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Rebasing Blitz!

With my Hexwraiths rebased for the Old World, it's time to tackle the rest of my Age of Sigmar models that can slot into my Vampire Counts army...


I've already got the Fell Bats on their new bases. Ranking them up was pretty simple because I positioned them and designed their basing elements with the intention of possibly putting them on squares for The Old World.


This week, I've been focusing on the Spirit Hosts and scouring my parts boxes and product backlog looking for 40mm square bases. I had some old metal Spirit Hosts in a very poor state of disrepair that I stole the bases from. (And when I say "old" I don't mean the circa ~2000 Vampire Counts "Ethereal Host" models, I mean the old metal Undead "Ghost" models from the early '90s! It was always a pain to collect enough of those miniatures to assemble a unit, and they were pretty janky looking. The new plastic kit was a welcome opportunity to retire those old models for good.)

I rebased the six Spirit Hosts (which had been rebased once already to fit in my Age of Sigmar Nighthaunt army). The process for this was the same as for the Hexwraiths, although it took more planning to ensure that the models could all rank up.



Once I had the first batch finished, I discovered that I had another unit of six hosts that I had apparently forgotten about! I'm still working on them, and they are a bit more challenging because I built them on 50mm round bases, and some of their basing details (like the tombstones) are spaces out too far to simply transplant onto a 40mm square. I'm going to need to do a bit more cutting. On top of that, I thought I had run out of 40mm bases, but was lucky to scrounge just enough to cover everybody. However, my Vargheist kits don't have bases now, so I'll have to order more.



I also made a new 25mm base for the Lord Executioner:



I'm not sure exactly what I'll run him as in the army. A wraith would be the obvious choice, but he looks like he should have some magic items or something (wraiths can't take any), so maybe I'll make him a Wight King or Vampire Thrall. I could equip him with the vampire power that causes Terror, a magic item with armor piercing, and a ward save (represented by the halo of flaming skulls).

Another reason I don't want to run him as a wraith is because I'd like to have him in a unit of Grave Guard, and wraiths can't join units, either. Because his axe protrudes so far to the side, I made a spacer base to replace the model that would normally occupy that spot.



The newly rebased models can rejoin the ranks of my Legion, which is currently assembling for their new group photo. I need to finish those spirits before I can photograph the entire army.



'Til next time!

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