As my initial 1000 points of Tomb Kings nears completion, I've finished off the skeleton horse archers:
Surprisingly, the mounted archers seemed to take less time to paint than the archers on foot. If you want to see how I converted the horses and riders, you can check out these two older posts:
TheSkull Forge Scenicssmall ruined obelisks worked out great on the bases, and help tie the unit in with other models like my tomb scorpion and necrolith colossus.
Here are come close-ups of the rider's equipment, and the horse tack:
The horse archers have already seen action in one battle. They failed to kill anything with their first volly of arrows and were subsequently shot to pieces by the Wood Elves, but they served as a nice little distraction and the rest of the army fought its way to victory. I only have four archers left to finish, and then I can begin work on the next 1000 points.
These conversions came out looking great!