Sunday, September 1, 2024

Tomb Kings Progress Report

A quick update on how my first 1000 point Tomb Kings force is coming along...



I've been making slow but steady progress on the army. I have nearly everything assembled and at least primed, and a decent chunk of the painting is well underway. The plan is to have everything finished for Armies on Parade in October. Since it's already officially September, I have my work cut out for me.

Already finished are my Tomb Prince and Heirophant, the Necrolith Colossus, and the Tomb Scorpion. (These were a bit of a cheat, however, since they were mostly finished prior to starting this army.)



My Skeleton Horse Archers are assembled and based, although I have yet to spray them.



The only models I need to finish assembling are the Skeleton Warriors. I have 20 already primed:



The last ten are in progress, and I still need to convert the command models to finish the 30-man regiment.



One thing I've been doing on the recent batch is adding a bit of styrene card under the feet. The card props the model's feet up a little so it doesn't appear completely sunken into the ground after I add the sand. 


I have all the assembled models on wooden sticks for painting, and I'm painting them all in an assembly line batch. So far, I've got the basing, bones, and bandages finished on the Skeleton Archers. Now I need to go through and paint all their robes and equipment. (Oh god, why did I put clothes on all of these guys?!) One advantage to the painting sticks is that the models are essentially stuck there until they are finished, which forces me to focus on painting them if I ever want to get them on the table.



I'll be updating my blog more frequently as I make progress. Hopefully I can get everything painted in about a month. Then, I just have to make a display board...

'Til next time!

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