Nighthaunt Progress Report
I had put my Nighthaunt projects aside to work on some scenery, endless spells, and to finish off my Skaven backlog. With all that out of the way, I've had some time to get back in the swing of painting wraiths...

This isn't everything in my queue, but I've got a nice little 750-1000 point army shaping up here.

My wraith Korak the Grim and Choir of Death banshees are on round bases:

And I'm nearly finished with my Hexwraiths. When I left them, the riders and horses had their bones and ethereal bits basecoated and washed.

I finished up the highlighting on those parts, and then painted the robes and weapons.

With the riders out of the way, I moved on to the horses, finishing their robes and armor. The unit leaders' horses still need to be painted, but the rest are finished and I'm currently working on their bases.

I finished one so that I can see how they'll look once they're all together and based. I'm really happy with the way they've turned out.

After the Hexwraiths are finished, my next project will be re-basing my Spirit Hosts. I found a technique that I like, and I'll be posting a tutorial for re-basing from 40mm squares with those pesky pegs underneath them onto 50mm rounds.

'Til next time!
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