Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Terrain Showcase: Skaven Warp-Skryre Tower

Here's a gallery of images, showcasing the Warp-Skryre Tower, in all its glory:


During the End Times, Clan Skryre devised a plan to blast the warpmoon apart, raining chunks of coveted warpstone across the land. While other clans toiled to build a giant doomrocket to strike the moon, the warlock engineers of Skryre Lord Skreekits' Lightning Engineer Cult began constructing their own devious machine.

Fixed atop their warp-skryre tower was one of the largest warp-accumulators ever seen. If it worked, this device could direct a powerful burst of warp lightning through an array of lenses, focusing it into a laser aimed right at the warpmoon. What could go wrong? 



The Rock Spire

The rickety scaffolding of the tower is built around the former site of a Imperial observatory. The existing stone carvings are defiled with Skaven runes. An entrance at the base of the tower leads to the Skaven tunnels below the rocky spire.








The Boiler

Inside the large stone skull is a warpstone-fueled boiler that provides the steam to drive the engines and cogs that turn the giant array. Steam pipes run up to the platforms above where valves and gauges are used to regulate the pressure. 



The Telescope

The large telescope is synched to the accumulator, and is used to keep it on target as the warpmoon travels across the night sky.



The Orrery

The warlock engineer astrologers built this device to track celestial bodies and calculate the path that shattered warpmoon fragments will take. The orbital paths and gravitational forces will determine the optimal time to strike, ensuring that the maximum amount of warpstone falls upon the world, instead of tumbling out among the stars.



The Great Engine

A complicated array of pipes, gears, timing belts, and arcane contraptions, even the engineers that built it barely comprehend its function. From this machine, power is funneled to every component of the tower– The orrery's motor, the telescope, and the giant warp-accumulator.




The Warp-Accumulator

Salvaged from the ruins of the Imperial observatory, the accumulator's brass dome houses a giant piece of warpstone, harvested from an intact meteorite. As the charge builds up in the potent rock, the warp-lightning it unleashes can be focused through the array of lenses, tightening it into a beam of energy. A low-power test fire of the device blasted the top off of a mountain peak several hundred miles away! But will its beam reach the warpmoon?



As the proposed night approaches, the Lightning Engineer Cult assembles at the tower, ready to unleash the ultimate power of Clan Skryre! 




Thanks for following along on this project. You can see the whole build under the "Project Log: Warp-Skryre Tower" label on the sidebar, or with this link.

'Til next time!


  1. This is extremely cool! Wonderful work, the photos and storytelling are fantastic.

  2. Awesome work, great planning, perfect painting : masterpiece. You, sir, are one of the great artisans of this hobby; each of your piece is full of inspiration and dedication.
    Sincere and deep praise to you.

    1. Thank you! Glad you enjoyed seeing the project come together. :)

  3. Very impressive.

  4. Blimey! The sheer detail on this is amazing. Brilliant work.


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