In this post, I finish up my collection of graveyard walls:
In my previous post, I spent two days assembling some wall sets using the Skull Forge Scenics Graveyard Walls and Ruined Graveyard Walls with a few tombstones added to reinforce the cemetery theme.
Day 3
To paint the walls, first I primed everything black and then sprayed them with a dark grey and a lighter grey from above (the specific colors were Tamiya TS-67 IJN Grey and TS-32 Haze Grey). I also hit just the bottoms with a spray of Tamiya TS-90 Brown.
After I had sprayed everything, I spotted two areas that I hadn't finished– One of the wall joins that I had patched with super glue and baking soda still needed resculpting, and I missed one of the tabs on top of the wall where a broken stone would normally attach.
I scraped off the tab and carved new stonework, and then re-sprayed those areas, just using the light grey spray and brown to save time.
From there, I washed the entire wall with a mix of GW Nuln Oil, Agrax Earthshade, and a bit of Lahmian Medium to make sure all the recesses between the stones were darkened.
Letting the sprayed pieces air out outdoors and then letting the wash dry ate up a decent chunk of time, so that was as far as I got before calling it quits for the day.
Day 4
After the wash, I drybrushed the color of the stones back up with Army painter Ash Grey, first with a touch of black mixed in, and then with straight Ash Grey.
Next, I drybrushed some highlights with a mix of Ash Grey lightened with Army Painter Skeleton Bone and white.
To add a little variety in the stonework, I glazed some individual stones with Liquitex Burnt Umber Transparent Ink (aka Brown Ink), thinned with a little water.
Using Army Painter Venom Wyrm (an olive green), I washed some of the lower areas to create the appearance of moss. I kept the wash thin, and blotted some of it off to prevent it from being too opaque.
To paint the ground, I drybrushed successive layers of Army Painter Brigadine Brown and then Army Painter Leather Brown, and finished up with a drybrush of Skeleton Bone darkened with a touch of Leather Brown.
The rust drips were added by painting some streaks into the grooves of the stones. I picked a point from where the rust might originate, and followed the path that a rust stain might take, usually running between the stones and fading out a bit as it got further down. The colors used were a blend of Vallejo Orange Fire, Grunge Brown, and Brown Ink in various combinations to get rust that varied between a little more brown or a little more orange.
The final bit to paint was the skulls– I basecoated them with Skeleton Bone and then washed them with a "bone mix" that I made using Brown Ink, Agrax Earthshade, GW XV-88, and Lahmian Medium. But you could just use Skeleton Horde Contrast or something similar.
Day 5
The final day was spent adding flock and grass to the bases. My process I used was to paint some waterproof wood glue around just the edges and sprinkle on some Woodland Scenics Blended Turf flock (to help them blend into my green flock mat). Once that was dry, I added some patches of the wood glue and pressed loose static grass into it, shaking off the excess.
Once that grass was dry, I super glued some grass tufts in a few spots and then sprayed the pieces with Tamiya TS-80 Flat Clear.
So, that was about a week of work, applying a few hours each day to knock these out, and now I have a nice set of walls that can accompany my Vampire Counts to the game store when I play.
All the components I used for the walls, the tombstones, and even those shrines in the image below are available in my Skull Forge Scenics shop.
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