
Friday, February 23, 2024

Now, Where Was I...?

I’ve been occupied with finishing up a large scenery commission for the past few months, so I haven’t had much time to work on any personal projects (or even update my blog). But I'm back now! 


"I suppose I can hit the snooze button and let you sleep a bit longer..."


I feel like I missed the entire launch of the Old World, but it looks like I haven’t really missed out on much of anything, because here we are one full month after the release date with no Old World product available. There’s nothing in the local shop, and the GW site hasn’t had a restock since the initial sell-out rush on day one! Looks like, if you didn't get it at launch, you didn't get it at all. In fact, The Old World isn't listed as one of the game systems on the webstore, so the only way to even see the product range is to manually search for it. (Add that to the multitude of issues with the new site.)

The full Tomb Kings range hasn’t been released yet as individual kits, which isn't too big of a problem for me because I have a ton of stuff already, but even bases have been out of stock on the GW web store, so I can’t even begin assembling the skeletons that I already have. I can't get the rules, so my only exposure has been watching YouTube reviews and reading responses to rules questions on Facebook. So, my Old World plans will have to wait a bit longer.

I still have plenty to work on, though, and I'm going to double-time some blog posts to make up for the ones I've missed–

The base for the Skaven Warp-Skryre Tower is under way, so I'll have a post about that shortly.



I also need to take some photographs of the Cursed City zombies that I painted last year, and finish up the Necrotic Witch, so stay tuned!




'Til next time!


  1. Sadly, GW passed the Olde World off to Forge World, and then began shutting that department down. I suspect we may not get much more. Very upset at those decisions, and the dropping of many armies from development too. I think 8th Ed is going to be the highpoint of WHFB.

    1. The Old World wasn't "passed off" to Forgeworld, it was always a Specialist Games (Forgeworld) project. I'm curious where you heard that they are shutting down the Specialist Games department.

  2. I skipped trying to buy any new Old World stuff, but managed to get hold of the rules and have played a couple of games. I can recommend it, it's a nice tight edition of the rules. Similar enough to 8th ed to be familiar, but some good nips and tucks that improve it over that system! Hope you get a game in sometime.

    1. Everything I've seen so far looks promising. I plan to grab a rule book as soon as they are available.

  3. I'm now seeing Old World as one of the five big options in the shop (40K, AoS, Heresy, Old World and Middle Earth), and they've just announced the second set of releases for the Bretonnians and Tomb Kings.
    Tongue in cheek: This is full on Middlehammer release schedule / speed, and is the most authentic Warhammer Fantasy experience.

    1. I found the listing for TOW on the GW site. It's *not* on the front page when you scroll down to the space marine and can cycle through the games with the left and right arrows. You need to click the bars at the top, then click "Shop" and then it's listed with the other games. My god, the new site is terrible. :/


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