
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Nachtmar the Terrorgheist


At long last– Nachtmar, the Living Nightmare is ready to be unleashed upon the world...

I had received this model already assembled as a zombie dragon, so I had to freeze him to weaken the super glue and disassemble the main joints so he could be rearranged into the Terrorgheist pose. I wanted to differentiate him from my first Terrorgheist, so I mounted him on a wall, and did a major repose of the right wing so he could rest his arm on the wall post.


The wing membrane between the shoulder and forearm was extended with plastic card and sculpted over with modeling putty.


Nachtmar's base is littered with bones, as though he's leaving death in his wake.


His wall is magnetized to fit on either a square or round base, in anticipation of a new Flesh-eater Courts army, which I might round-base if they get a complete overhaul like the Nighthaunts. To ensure a perfect fit, I put magnets in the bottom of the wall, and pressed it into putty on the base to make an impression. The magnets were then added to the base, and the putty sculpted to match the ground texture.





Nachtmar takes his place alongside Marduk the Ghoul King and his Terrorgheist Wolkhar, and the yet-to-be-named Varghulf. You can see my older posts documenting the conversion of Marduk's Terrorgheist here, and the conversion for the Varghulf here.




And with that, my Legions of Nagash army is finished for the foreseeable future (well, except for one model). Now I can turn my full attention to my Nighthaunt and 40K armies.

'Til next time!


  1. This is not your usual hobbyism, this is advanced hobbysim

  2. Awesome, I was really awaiting to see the pose aof your second Terrorgheist.

  3. Thanks! I'm very pleased with how he turned out. Glad to finally have him finished.

  4. They come in really handy for the wings and getting this thing into a foam tray. :)

  5. Again: wow!
    What a gorgeous model, totally worth the extra time.

  6. Wow, really beatufull job. Where is the wall from?

    1. Thank you! The resin wall pieces and tombstones are from my Skull Forge Scenics range of scenery, available at


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