
Saturday, July 11, 2015

Poll Time!

I've seen a lot of talk online about people rage-quitting Warhammer, or refusing to update to Age of Sigmar, and even people who didn't like the change at first being turned around once they tried it. Others have been out of the game for a while and Age of Sigmar has gotten them excited about Warhammer again.

We've all had the rules for about a week and the starter set has officially dropped, so I'm curious to see where the community at large stands on the matter. I think we have enough readers here that if everyone answers the three poll questions below, that should give us a decent sampling. So let us know what you think, and feel free to elaborate in the comments section! (Scroll down for the polls.)


  1. Is there any option for using GW models for other mass fantasy battle games? Personally I'll use any models I like, but much like you (I think) my undead legion has been around too long not to use in ranks and en-mass. I may dabble with AoS, but I'm not rebasing what I have.

    1. Kings of War from Mantic seems like the place to be. I haven't checked it out but I hear the rules are pretty straight forward.

    2. You don't need to rebase anything if you play AoS. The bases are irrelevant since all measuring is model-to-model, not base-to-base. There are no templates, and no ranked formations. White Dwarf even points out that squares or rounds are both fine.

    3. I appreciate there's no need to rebase, but basically I am playing Kings of War already and have done for a while (didn't enjoy 8th much) however the GW figures did provide a useful range of models to play it with! Now with a reboot, there's a real chance very little is going to cross over into 'low' fantasy, so old undead (and other races) may not be catered for in a world of Morghasts, Mortarches and other crazy.

  2. In my gaming group we are just trying AoS and I have to say that it has been quite well recieved. Everyone is a bit shocked with such a big change, but we are liking it. We have never been competitive players but more of the campaign kind of guys. However, I am pretty sure we will play both AoS and 8th ed from now on.

    BTW, I always hear (and read) that AoS is a skirmish game but, on my own experience playing 5 o 6 games, I think it makes better battles to play with bigger armies. A couple of units of 20+ guys, 2 or 3 units of smaller size, some heroes and 1 or 2 monsters/war machines. Just my 2 cents.

  3. Aos Would have been better re-looked as a Mordhiem style play instead of rebooting the world by smashing it, and from the talk at WW it also seems more aimed at GW being able to redesign and rename ranges for better IP protection and nothing else.

    It is no wonder you have Oldhammer and Mantic taking players, or other systems like God of Battles being seen as a better choice.

    AoS is just a quick skirmish game, and not a replacement for Mass Battle.

  4. There is no option in the poll for playing 8th and AoS. I will be playing both versions.

    1. I'd say, choose the one that is most applicable, or is closest to your situation. In question 2, maybe that would be choice 2, "I'm playing AoS because it's current, but wish they had stuck with 8th or introduced a proper 9th edition" because you're playing both, you obviously still like the older edition?

  5. I have no desire to update to AOS. I have played Warhammer since 2nd edition and read White Dwarf since issue #19. I loved the Olde World as it was and plan on sticking to it. The new "copyright"-able world they invented for IP sake is does not interest me in the least. It is too "high fantasy" for my taste. I enjoyed the old fluff too much and like the mass ranked combat. My group is sticking to 8th and will "house rule" 9th edition rules as we see fit.

    1. If I play AoS, as far as my armies are concerned, it will be AoS rules for games set in the Old World.

      I haven't even been tempted to read the leaks about the fluff, because, like you, it's not interesting to me at all. My army is neither located in nor themed to be part of the realms of whatever, so it doesn't matter.

  6. Couldn't find a really appropriate response for me. Basically - I got out of WHFB due to the ridiculous pricing of GW products.

    IF I hadn't - AOS probably would have pushed me out, as I loved the old fluff and I hate the new fluff and the Sigmarines faction.

    I will say this though - I do like how fantasy stuff looks on round bases.

  7. Hi (sorry for my english )

    I think there is a lack in your polls, cause i'm happy to play AoS, but i 'will not stop to play classical Warhammer and i will continue with the 8th version ^^


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